Sunday 16 September 2012

Console Controller & Display devices

Week 2

Console Controller & Display devices

In Unit 20 you need to show your ability to connect and configure game platforms for game play.
Game consoles use a variety of controllers to let the player interact with the game.The display of the game needs to be configured so a clear image is displayed while playing the game.

Add a new post with a title called "Connecting Console Display & Controllers Devices"
Take photographs or video to explain the following processes.You will need to include appropriate written information to show understanding of the process and correct use of subject terminology.

  1. Using your home console produce a step by step guide in your post to connect your console to a display device.Make sure you explain the different display devices you can connect to the console.Identify the ideal display device,connecting cables for the optimal display.
  2. Do the same for the controller.
  3. Select one of the older generation consoles and produce a retro style step by step guide for connecting the console to a display device and controllers.
You have the option to include a youtube video with suitable narration.

Game Consoles

Week 2
Nintendo Entertainment System

Atari 2600

You are use to playing computer games on consoles.You were born into the era of the console.They have given people the ability to play a variety of games in the comfort of your own room.
This week you will explore the development of this game platform.
You will need to create a new post titled game consoles and complete the following tasks.

  1. Produce a timeline of game consoles using images and captions.For each generation of game console select one console that identifies the features and limitations of that generation.Include written work to explain what the advantages the new generation had compared to the previous.
  2. The lecture identified consoles that failed to maintain popularity take one of these consoles and explain why they were not successful by comparing them with the competing consoles.
  3. Hardware development has helped console development. Identify two pieces of hardware that has helped the success of a game console.Explain how the hardware has done this using suitable examples.

Week 3

Latest Game Consoles

You are playing games on the  seventh generation of consoles.The PS3 ,Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii.

  1. Compare the three latest game consoles (PS3,Xbox 360 & Wii).Explain what new features  of the seventh generation differ from the previous generation.
  2. Using video or photographs record how you use the online gaming capabilities of the latest consoles.Explain what you use the online capabilities for.
  3. Using you're understanding of previous and present consoles  try to predict and explain what features the eighth or ninth generation of consoles might be like in the future.

Monday 10 September 2012

Origins of Computer Game Platfroms

Week 1

Origins of Computer Game Platforms & technological development

Computer game platforms are a recent development.They have come about by the development of computer technology and the popularity of playing computer games.

To begin the unit we will examine Arcade machines that dominated the game playing community at the beginning in the 1970's. 

You will develop your own blog to critically evaluate game platform types with supporting arguments and eluciated examples,expressing ideas fluently and using subject terminology.
This week you will need to explain what the limitations of Arcade machines are compared to your own console.You also need to indicate the key components that make up an Arcade game machine.
The development of computer technology made arcade machines possible,you will need to explain what it is,why was it important to the development of this platform.Throughout your post please include suitable images,web links and written information to show your understanding of this game platform.

  1. 1.      In your post, include references to important people that helped develop arcade game platforms.
    2.      Critically comment on why Atari was so influential in the development of Arcade machines?
    3.      Analyse why Arcade machines declined in the 1990's.
    4.      Nintendo and Sega developed influential games on Arcade machines please give examples.